Matrix Key: Financial Viability - Profitability - Projections and Plans
"Failure to plan is planning to fail." - Unknown
We've devoted a major quadrant of the WholeLife Matrix to the practice of Projections and Plans. Most good entrepreneurs know that planning is essential to success. It's easy to let planning drop down the priority list though, when the day to day responsibilities of a growing business become more time consuming. Here's the thing...without consistent, good projections and plans, your business is being run by the circumstances. That's like the tail wagging the dog.
The four principles of good Projections and Plans are:
A reliable Cash
Flow Forecast
A reliable Sales
A projection for your Sales/Expenses/Profit
A System
to Review and Adjust all of these projections and forecasts
Don't let the market determine where
your business will end up. There are too many easy and efficient tools you can use to stay out in front of your company's performance. Use your own ideas as your guide and head down your
chosen path.
Are You Ready to Win?
Are You Ready to Win?