Get in the Social Media Game for 2010

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” ~ Albert Einstein

Social media marketing has become so common place that major corporations are creating departments to manager their outlets. Businesses today who aren't utilizing social media are missing out on the new way of connecting with potential clientele. Here are some simple steps you can follow to get yourself on the social media bandwagon for 2010.

1) Commit to a schedule
Like any change in business, the first step is figure out how much time you are willing to commit to make it happen. Social media can be a huge time drain, which is why most companies avoid it. But it doesn't have to be. Read The Social Media Diet and figure out when your schedule can be freed up to allow some time to market online.

2) Define your goals
Why are you engaging in social media? Some common goals are:
  • Is this just to see what it's all about?
  • Is it part of your SEO campaign?
  • Are you using it to research and find new leads?
  • Are you using to it creating a buzz around your business?
  • Are you using it to learn how your competitors use social media?
Before you can determine what outlets are best for your company, you first have to decide what you want in return for your participation. The following articles may assist you in determining your social media objectives:
3) Choose your outlets
Not all social media outlets are created equal. They do different things and require different time input in order to get a return. You need to read about each one and determine if it fits your goals. You might want to take a social media class or hire a social media coach in order to help narrow down your choices. The following articles might help you make a decision amongst the most popular social media platforms:
4) Follow through on your commitment

Just like any other marketing plan, if you don't follow through, you won't get results. Implement your social media plan for at least 3 months, and then gauge if it is right for you. It takes some time to see results, but if you put in the time, you will definitely see them.

Follow Consulting2Win on Twitter:
Ralph White: @ralphwhitecoach
Bonnie Landau: @LandauDesign
Lee Ann Famer: @LeeAnnFarmer
Mary Mullenhoff: @MaryMullenhoff

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