The Case For Coaching

"A good coach will make his players see what they can be, rather than what they are." - Ara Parashegian, Hall of Fame College Football Coach

We’ve all heard that definition of insanity…repeating the same actions over and over with the expectation of a different result. This adage is especially true in business. We can’t keep sticking to the status quo and expect that profits will suddenly increase, our employees will begin working together as a high-performance team, and our sales numbers will jump through the roof.

If your business fell short of your intentions this year, now is the time to determine what actions you are going to change in 2011. Year-end is the perfect time to evaluate what worked and what didn’t. And most importantly, what you are going to do about it.

A business coach can be a tremendous asset in this process. It’s always beneficial to have an impartial perspective and input when you are looking to take your business in a new direction. A good business coach will help you to develop specific and measurable intentions for the business. A really good business coach will not sit back and agree with you about all the reasons you can’t change. A skilled business coach will show you new possibilities, and help you chart the path toward breakthrough results.

Sometimes business people resist getting help with their businesses. We all have egos that can get in the way of our progress. And we all too often fall into that trap of thinking that if we just work a little harder, or a little longer, things will work out fine. The truth is that companies that make an investment in business coaching are far more likely to thrive than those that resort to “business as usual.”

At Possibilities Unlimited, we are committed to giving people access to the actions that can change their businesses for the better. We are experts at designing intentions that are the framework for success. If you are looking to transcend the status quo in 2011, give us a call. We’ll put together a winning formula for your business and partner with you to deliver unprecedented results.

Are you ready to win?