Financial Viability

Matrix Key:  WholeLife Matrix - Financial Viability

"Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." - John Wooden

The first quadrant of the WholeLife Matrix is Financial Viability.  For most business owners and entrepreneurs, Financial Viability is top of mind and sometimes all consuming.  Without a financially successful business, it is hard to achieve balance in all the other areas of your life.  

The Financial Viability quadrant identifies the four key essentials to a healthy, thriving business:
  1. Profitability and Finances
  2. Resource Management
  3. Marketing and Sales
  4. Production and Delivery
 These are the four legs of your financial viability table.  You have to make sure you are putting equal effort into each of these four aspects of your business.  Future blogs will detail some of the actions to take in each of these areas.  For now it is important to note that each of these components affects the others, and all four must be operating in tandem and very efficiently.
Business owners and managers have a lot to do and handle every day in order to be financially viable.  By breaking down the business into segments, it will be easier to identify strengths and weaknesses as well as delegate actions to the appropriate teams.  When you have your Financial Viability game plan in place, it will be much easier to win the game of business.
Are you ready to win?