Managing Your Product Resources

Matrix Key:  Financial Viability - Resource Management - Products

"A product for everyone rarely reaches much of anyone." - Seth Godin

Next to your employees, the most important resource in your business is your product!  If you don't have a product, you don't have a business.  As you can see on the WholeLife Matrix, you must devote time and energy to caring for your product resources.  If you cannot consistently produce a quality product, you will not be able to sustain your business.

Here are the most important points to consider if you want to effectively manage your product resources:
  1. Cost
  2. Materials
  3. Technology
  4. Research and Development
You can manage these resources by developing good relationships with vendors and always looking for new ways to source materials.  Make the investment in the technology that will keep your product cutting edge, and always be on the lookout for your product's next evolution.  When you produce a quality product effectively, you have already won half the battle.

Are you ready to win?