Friends - Common Interest

Matrix Key: Relationships - Friends - Common Interest

"Friendship arises out of mere Companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they have in common some insight or interest which the others do not share." - CS Lewis

Common interests can bring people together and support friendships.  Some people have a hard time talking about themselves, or trouble with a conversation just about life.  A common interest brings people together for a purpose, and often in achieving that purpose, friendships are born. Sharing an activity, or knowing ahead of time the topic of conversation, takes the pressure off a conversation, especially in the early stages of a friendship. Continued meetings provide an opportunity for more time spent As a person discovers and creates more shared experiences, the bonds of friendship are formed.

In the WholeLife Matrix, we identify four possibilities for common interests that might bring people together:
  1. Entertainment
  2. Issues
  3. Mutual Friends
  4. Shared History
Opportunities to find like-minded souls surround us, especially once you open yourself to the possibility.  Work, family, school, volunteer and service organizations, place of worship, adult school classes, even message boards at your local coffee shop.  The website offers a variety of ways to find people and activities - and if you cannot find a local group that shares your interests, consider starting your own group.  You might share an interest with a neighbor down the street!

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