Bring in Professional Support

Matrix Key - Health & WellBeing - Nutrition & Weight - Professional Support

"Don't wait for someone to take you under their wing.  Find a good wing and climb up underneath it." - Frank C. Bucaro

A support team of health and fitness professionals has always been important to professional athletes.  This philosophy has worked down through the ranks of athletes of all kinds - Olympic, college, even high school teams now bring in certified specialists to consult with the athletes.  

This practice has become ever more present for one reason: it works. The good news we all have access to these professionals in one form or another.  Priced to fit your budget - from the high priced at an exclusive gym to budget friendly (even free) support online.  As insurance companies realize the importance of good health in preventing disease, many have started programs where you can work with a nutritionist or weight management coach over the phone.

As I developed the WholeLife Matrix, I consulted with several professionals.  The following four types of professionals are considered the essential team as we work towards optimal nutrition and weight levels.
  1. Trainer
  2. Chiropractor
  3. Nutritionist
  4. Psychologist
These four different professionals are all about supporting your journey to balance in a safe and healthy manner.  From the exercises you complete, the foods and nutrients you consume, the alignment of your bones, to the thoughts filling your brain, these people create a perfect support structure.  

Are you ready to win?