Cash Flow Forecasting

Matrix Key:  Financial Viability - Profitability - Projections and Plans

“Cash Is King.”

Few components of the WholeLife Matrix carry as much weight as profitability.  For many people, profit has negative connotations.  But without profit, you don't have a business. Cash flow forecasting is essential to the success of every business, and should include the following:

  1. A schedule of receipts and disbursements
  2. Liquidity measurements
  3. “What if” scenarios
  4. Accounts Receivable to Cash projections

Here’s the bottom line…if your business runs out of cash, you are out of business.  You need cash to pay vendors.  If you don’t pay them, they will stop selling to you.  You need cash to pay employees.  Few employees are willing to volunteer their time.  You need cash to pay off debt.  Banks are picky about being re-paid.  Cash is King.

You must monitor your cash flow at all times.  How quickly will your Accounts Receivable convert to cash?  What if your customers pay you three months late?  What is your percentage of cash to inventory?  A close look into all of these questions is worth your time and effort.  A little planning now will keep the wolf from the door later and will keep you on a winning path.

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