We are Spiritual Beings

Matrix Key: Personal Awareness - Spirit

 "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience." -  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

When describing the spirit of a person we might think of the energy they share and convey.  When we talk of spirit we also consider the awareness of a life force beyond the human person.

Think about someone you admire - a person with a high quality of life.  Chances are they have some awareness of life outside of themselves.  People with a spiritual connection often have more energy, better health, and a happier outlook on the world around them. 

The WholeLife Matrix identifies four elements of discovering and embracing your spiritual nature:

1. Spiritual Practice
2. Higher Power
3. Life Purpose
4. Enlightenment

Spiritual practices can be anything that helps you connect with the world around you - watching the sunset, physical practices like Tai Chi, contemplative practices like meditation, whatever suits your personality and situation   Out of spiritual practices people discover and strengthen a connection with their Higher Power and their Life Purpose.  Exploration of these three elements leads one towards Enlightenment - an increase in understanding, awareness and insight. 

Here at Possibilities Unlimited, we think the spiritual side of your life is essential to a well-balanced life.  If you are not giving time and attention to your spirituality, your table will remain unbalanced, and you will have a harder time achieving success in the other areas of your life.

We continue to offer our Deeper Dive into the Whole Life Matrix, a free bi-weekly discussion of different elements of the WholeLife Matrix. To join the Deeper Dive, email Ralph@Consulting2Win.com, with "Deeper Dive" in the subject line.  We will send you the log-in information for the call.

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