How to discover your life purpose
Posted by Ralph White at 10:04 AMLabels: life purpose, mission statement, values, wholelife matrix
How to have flexibility in your body
Posted by Ralph White at 9:02 AMLabels: exercise, fitness, flexibility, stress reduction, stretching, wholelife matrix
Weight Management Tips
Posted by Ralph White at 1:37 PMLabels: balanced life, exercise, nutrition, weight loss, weight management
Community Beautification
Posted by Ralph White at 9:12 AM- Public spaces
- Common Areas
- Beautification
- Environmental Impact
Are you ready to Win?
Labels: beauty, building community, common areas, involvement, public spaces
What makes a good leader?
Posted by Ralph White at 9:22 AMLabels: business objectives, business team, communication, leadership, training
5 Sales Meeting Tips
Posted by Ralph White at 6:13 PM"Pretend that every single person you meet has a sign around his or her neck that says, 'Make me feel important.' Not only will you succeed in sales, you will succeed in life." - Mary Kay Ash
1. Send a Relevant Agenda Before the Meeting
This helps ensure a productive meeting. If you find that there isn’t really much to talk about, you might opt for sending an email rather than having a meeting. When creating an agenda, ask yourself if the item really needs to be on the agenda or if it can be done outside the meeting. To ensure that individual updates don’t take too much time, set time limits and create themes such as Key Findings and Future Areas of Focus. Have others participate in the planning of the meeting. For example, someone might secure a guest speaker, another might send out the agenda, another might be the timekeeper or topic leader, etc. To make your agenda interesting you might ask your group to solve a challenge before the end of the meeting. You might also give them an article to read before the meeting, ask them to think about ideas on a topic, or research something for the team.
2. Start with Some Fun
Start your meetings at the scheduled time and stick to the allotted time. Begin with some fun to get people interested and to encourage people to arrive on time. You may start with trivia games, funny stories, highlights of the week, or brainstorming ideas for the coming month.
3. Invite Relevant Guest Speakers
The guest speaker can share information with the sales team that will help team sales. A guest speaker might be someone from the marketing team who shares a marketing report about your target market or a product developer who might answer questions about a new product. A customer might also share their experience working with your company.
4. Motivate and Reward Your Team
Sales is challenging and it is important to support and recognize your team for their accomplishments. Celebrate successes! You may give away small prizes, even a little chocolate can make people feel good. You might create different categories for rewards. Rewards can be team-based, fun, competitive, or recognition-based.
5. Ongoing Skills Development
Challenge the skills of team members to keep them on top of their game. These can be skills in networking, lead generation, prospecting, closing, presenting solutions, public speaking etc. You might ask someone at each meeting to teach a sales module. Each week, ask a sales person to share something they tried that is working. How and why did they do it and how can someone else try it?
Family Communication
Posted by Ralph White at 9:27 AM
"Any problem, big or small, within a family, always seems to start with bad communication. Someone isn't listening." - Emma Thompson
- Check-In Daily
- Family Meetings
- Extended Family
- Listening
Communicating with your partner
Posted by Ralph White at 9:00 AM![](
What if love wasn't the act of finding what you were missing, but the give-and-take that made you both match? - Jodi Picoult
Fortunately, with a little time and attention, good communication skills are surprisingly easy to develop. Four keys to healthy communication are:
- Listening - pause during your conversation to make sure you correctly understand what your partner is sharing.
- Verbalizing - put words with your feelings.
- Non-verbal cues - watch for body language that matches or differs from the spoken words.
- Checking In - set aside time on a regular basis for a general review of your relationship.
Labels: communication, listening, relationships
Local politics - the heart of the community
Posted by Ralph White at 9:00 AMMalala. Do you recognize the name of the young Pakistani woman whose name swept our headlines last autumn? Malala gained international attention as a young teenager for speaking out in support of keeping girls in the educational system. At age 15 she survived a gunshot to the head by Taliban sympathizers.
In the WholeLife Matrix, I suggest four ways you can be involved with your local political community:
- Knowledge of Issues
- Voting
- Dialog
- Support
Retreat from Daily Routine
Posted by Ralph White at 4:00 PMLabels: change your environment, stuck in routine, travel, vacation
Employees - Your Most Precious Resource
Posted by Ralph White at 4:30 PM
- Create a human resources department that can handle your employee needs and comply with all pertinent rules and regulations.
- Train your employees well, and cross train them so they have a better understanding of other roles.
- Provide consistent, visible leadership. Make sure your employees know where they fit in to the company's goals and why you are asking them to do what they do.
- Evaluate employees regularly and reward excellent performance.
Sales Conversations
Posted by Ralph White at 11:30 AM- Identifying the Opportunity
- Presenting the Proposal
- Follow Up
- Closing - Asking for the Sale
What holds you back?
Posted by Ralph White at 1:35 PMYou may be familiar with the image of the elephant and the of my favorite descriptions of the mind/body connection, popularized by Jonathan Haidt. The elephant represents the emotional side and the rider the rational side of our beings. Dan Heath and Chip Heath developed this metaphor further, noting that both parts must be present, active and working together if we wish to accomplish anything in life - they can help each other or undermine each other. Sometimes we have great ideas of what to do, but lack the energy; other times we have lots of energy and no idea where to channel it. We must get the rider and elephant aligned on the path and resolved to stay on it.
The WholeLife Matrix identifies four keys to increased psychological awareness - the way to get your rational and emotional systems working together in the same direction:
- Introspection
- Understanding
- Acceptance
- Resolution
Are you ready to win?
Managing Your Capital
Posted by Ralph White at 9:37 AM
To properly manage your capital, you need to manage all four of the following:
- Investors - They gave you the money. Make sure you hold yourself accountable to them and be able to show them the value of their investment.
- Profits - If you are not converting your capital into profits, you have a problem.
- Banks - Your banker can be your most effective partner. Banks can supply additional capital and give you tools to manage it.
- Accounting - You must track how your capital is being deployed into the production and delivery of your product and be as efficient as possible.
Labels: accounting, banks, capital, financial viability, investors, profit, resource management
Finding your common purpose
Posted by Ralph White at 9:00 AMMatrix Key: Relationships - Staff and Colleagues -
Common Interest
- Vision and Mission
- Projects
- Workability
- Meeting Deadlines
Likewise, for a group of colleagues to work together effectively, they need to share the same vision (purpose and values) and mission (mechanism for success). Once these two items are in place, it is much easier for the group to align on the chosen project, work together in an effective manner, and agree to meet common deadlines. Aligning on a common interest results with everyone being on the right bus in the right seat headed to that same destination.
Are you ready to win?
Labels: business vision, colleagues, relationships, team, work relationships
Making an exercise plan.
Posted by Ralph White at 9:00 AM"No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch."
Intentions must be specific and measurable. Once you define what you want, you start to create it. This is a logical process with itemized action steps. The results from the actions do not always show up the way we envision, but they show progress on our intentions all the same. Unlike goals which require a specific outcome, we only fail our intentions if we quit trying.
You may set fitness intentions of any kind: changes in body mass or size, strength or endurance levels, weight loss, flexibility, improved emotional health...your list will be unique to you and your situation.
Having set your intentions, consider the other three criteria: incorporating variety will keep your mind and body alert and aware; keeping it fun makes it so much easier to continue on the days you encounter resistance (and remember that skipping one day makes it easier to skips days 2, 3,4 and so on).
Finally enlisting a second and ideally a third person into the plan will also increase your wins at follow through. Our mind can be our enemy when we challenge ourselves, and you have a 50/50 shot at talking your partner out of follow through on a particular day. But when you bring a third person into the mix and form a triad, you have exponentially increased your ability to keep time and action focused on your intentions.
Labels: fitness, health, intentions, keeping intentions
What is your relationship with nature?
Posted by Ralph White at 9:00 AMGeorge Carlin
We often discuss nature in terms of the basic elements of the outdoors...ground, water, wind, even fire. How do you describe your relationship with these elements? Sometimes we have an active relationship: touching the earth, hiking on a trail, or smelling a flower. On other occasions, you may take a more passive stance: listening to waves crash on the beach or looking closely at the many shades of green on a tree. I remember an afternoon as a young boy, lying on the grass, watching and wondering how the clouds could possibly move across the sky.
- Passive
- Active
- The Outdoors In
- Preservation
Managing Sales & Marketing Actions
Posted by Ralph White at 9:00 AM
The most successful salespeople know that these four attributes are essential to an effective sales process:
- Training
- Attitude
- Setting Goals
- Time Spent in Sales and Marketing
Copyright 2013 Ralph White, Possibilities Unlimited Inc. | All rights reserved.