Making an exercise plan.

Matrix Key - Health & WellBeing - Exercise and Fitness - Exercise Plan

"No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch."


One of my most basic coaching rules is that any result demands an intention, a period of time and some kind of action.  You can see this rule is key to any section of the WholeLife Matrix.  

Intentions must be specific and measurable.  Once you define what you want, you start to create it.  This is a logical process with itemized action steps.  The results from the actions do not always show up the way we envision, but they show progress on our intentions all the same. Unlike goals which require a specific outcome, we only fail our intentions if we quit trying.

You may set fitness intentions of any kind: changes in body mass or size, strength or endurance levels, weight loss, flexibility, improved emotional health...your list will be unique to you and your situation.  

In the WholeLife Matrix, we identify four key criteria for your exercise plan:

1.   Intentions
2.   Variety
3.   Keeping it Fun
4.   Support: Coach/Trainer/Friend

Having set your intentions, consider the other three criteria:  incorporating variety will keep your mind and body alert and aware; keeping it fun makes it so much easier to continue on the days you encounter resistance (and remember that skipping one day makes it easier to skips days 2, 3,4 and so on).

Finally enlisting a second and ideally a third person into the plan will also increase your wins at follow through.  Our mind can be our enemy when we challenge ourselves, and you have a 50/50 shot at talking your partner out of follow through on a particular day.  But when you bring a third person into the mix and form a triad, you have exponentially increased your ability to keep time and action focused on your intentions.

Are you ready to win?